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The Irresistible Islands of Indonesia🌴

After a short break, Travelbie is finally back with a new post! Based on a poll on my Instagram, this next post will be about Indonesia, a beautiful country consisting of thousands of islands in South East Asia.

I had the opportunity to visit Indonesia during high school, where I decided to go on another Habitat for Humanity volunteer trip (for more Habitat adventures, check out my South Africa post😊). After three flights, we finally arrived on an island in Indonesia called Java, where we stayed in Yogyakarta. Known for its rich culture and traditional art, we were able to enjoy the beauty of not only volunteering but also the rich culture of Indonesia itself.


From making cement on my own to stacking bricks to build a house for locals in need, from visiting a traditional temple to exploring historical landmarks, Indonesia was one of my first experiences in South East Asia: an experience never to be forgotten.

With its beautiful nature, intricate culture, and long history, the many beautiful islands of Indonesia are definitely worth an adventure. At a time where the pandemic has prevented many of us from traveling, I hope Travelbie: A Trip Around The World satisfies some of that frustration of not being able to travel and encourages people to venture off into adventures of their own afterward :)

With that in mind, keep an eye out for my next adventure: Germany🇩🇪

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