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The Winter Wonderlands of Austria

For this adventure, I decided to choose a trip that I especially miss during the hot, humid temperatures of summer these days. When I was a sophomore in high school, I joined a ski trip to Austria for a week or so in February. The place we went to, Tyrol, is a western region in the Alps famous for its various ski resorts and scenic views. While we did some local sightseeing, the main focus of the trip was on skiing: as such, we were given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of gliding down the beautiful slopes of the Alps.

Having learned how to ski in elementary school, this trip was the perfect adventure for me. From speeding down the slopes of the Alps to accidentally falling and rolling down one of the highest slopes, I definitely missed Austria for months after I came back. For this post, the pictures will probably explain the beauty of Austria better: the scenery we enjoyed while skiing definitely had us at a loss for words. I hope you enjoy :)


They say a picture is worth a thousand words-what do you think?

(Also yes, that small person skiing is me :') )


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